May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:13

Monday, August 16, 2010

while i'm waiting...

well since I've been home I've lived in the fast lane...and the slow lane. I've been to Tennessee, Kentucky, and Illinois. I've had good days and I've had bad days. I've had days where I am so glad to be back home with my family and friends...and I've had days where I want nothing more to be back in Africa! But one thing has reminded true everyday...GOD IS FAITHFUL!
He hasn't been proven wrong in thousands of years and he certainly hasn't been proven wrong in the 4 weeks I've been home!
It says in the bible "call on my name and I will be there!"
He calls us to live every day for Him! To live it out loudly and boldly! Acts 20:24 says: "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."
My life means nothing to me unless I am living it fully for Jesus! I've come to realize those bad days are worse than need be because I am not turning to Jesus first. I am turning people for comfort. Not Jesus. He taught me all summer long that my comfort was solely found in him. So why am i not remembering that now that i'm back home? Well to be honest, I don't know. but i'm realizing that life doesn't work with out him! i need him for the little things, and the big things! He taught me all summer about the peace and comfort that all comes from him. it is now my duty as a Christian to follow through with that and learn to follow him EVERY DAY!
One of things that i struggle with in trusting him completely is my future. What is in store for it...and who is in it. I struggle all the time with wanting to rush ahead of time and find the man I'm supposed to love, and be loved by. But everyday some how God reminds me it's all in His matter how much i want to rush it, its going to come according to God's plan and time...NOT MINE! And thats hard, really hard. But I am slowly learning and relearning and learning it again to turst him every day with this...and knowing that one day God is going to give me a man I love with all my heart and he loves me with his whole heart but loves Jesus more. It may take a few more times of learning this...but I'm trying!

Are you following him every day? with EVERYTHING? It's a lot easier said then done...and then you might even think you are...but my challenge to you as i do it my reevaluate your self and your walk with the Lord...are you trusting him with EVERYTHING?...EVERYDAY?

1 comment:

  1. Great words of challenge to us all. I wish I could say that you will finally learn this lesson and be done with it but I struggle with it every day of my life. I hope you figure it out better than I have.
